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The "Street Observations" Photo Blog featuring street photography and observations from photographer John Fraissinet. 

Entries in Fire Escapes (2)


Escape Clause

These gentlemen were talking for some time up on the fire escape of this building.  Seems like they were working out some deal as they were reviewing paperwork.  

Escape Clause


Summer Fire Escapes

In the summer, shadows become extreme.  These create geometric patterns that change the look of what is naturally there.  The New York City brownstones become glowing structures that frame the streets.  In particular, the fire escapes create designs that come from the bright sun.  

Here's is one that has a spotlight that snuck between opposing buildings:

Evening Fire Escapes

Sometimes the brownstones are blemished from years of deterioration and lack of upkeep.

Dripping Windows

The light can reflect off the windows of opposing buildings creating their own spots of rhythmic light...

Walk Up

The harsh shadows around noon time create the strongest patterns...

Ladder Shadows

And, the brownstones themselves have their own rhythms and reflections...

Summer Shadows